Improving SharePoint performance by disabling the application pool recycle settings

Recycling is like rebooting. The process is stopped and started fresh each day for fixed intervals or at a specific time. Disabling the recycling function will improve SharePoint performance.

  1. Disabling the recycle function within IIS
    1.  To remove the recycling of the IIS worker process, first open IIS:
      1. In IIS 6, from the Windows Start Menu, navigate to Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Internet Information (IIS) Services
      2.  In IIS 7.5, start Server Manager and in the window that opens, navigate the tree to the node Roles > Web Server (IIS) > Internet Information (IIS) Services.
    2. Next, access the DefaultAppPool.
      1. In IIS 6, navigate to Application Pools > DefaultAppPool and choose Properties.
      2. In IIS 7.5, in the IIS tree select the <current machine> and select the node Application Pools.
      3. Next, select the item DefaultAppPool in the list of Application Pools shown.
    3. Next, disable recycling.
      1. In IIS 6, in the Properties dialog, clear the Recycle worker process (in minutes) check box (and all other recycle options), then click Ok.
      2. In IIS 7.5, click Recycling on the right hand side of the screen.
      3. In the Edit Application Pool Recycling Settings dialog, clear the Regular time intervals (in minutes)check box and click Next.
      4. In the next screen, click Finish to close the dialog.
    4. Upon completion of all steps above, stop and restart the IIS service.

Note: Application pools recycle because memory limits have been enabled and exceeded. Recycling based on memory limits is not usually necessary in a 64-bit environment, and therefore recycling should not be enabled. Unnecessary recycling can result in dropped requests from the recycled worker process and slow performance for end users who are making requests to the new worker process.

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