How to fix a corrupted profile on windows

If you encounter a corrupted user profile on Windows, you can follow these steps to fix it:

  1. Sign in with the local account
  2. Open Regedit and go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList
  3. Find the profile keys with the same matching numbers, Example :
S-1-5-21 123456-123456-123456  (The new one .Temp)
S-1-5-21 123456-123456-123456.bak (The .bak is supposed to be the original before the profile corruption)
  1. Rename the new key without the extension to .bak1
    S-1-5-21 123456-123456-123456 (The new one .Temp) to S-1-5-21 123456-123456-123456.bak1
  2. Remove the extension .bak from the original profile S-1-5-21 123456-123456-123456.bak to S-1-5-21 123456-123456-123456
  1. Reboot the machine

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