AWS CLI: Essential Commands for Managing AWS Services

The AWS Command Line Interface (CLI) provides a comprehensive set of commands for interacting with AWS services. Here are some of the most useful AWS CLI commands:

  1. aws configure: This command is used to set up the AWS CLI with your AWS access key ID and secret access key.
  2. aws ec2 describe-instances: This command is used to retrieve information about your EC2 instances.
  3. aws s3 ls: This command is used to list the contents of an S3 bucket.
  4. aws s3 cp: This command is used to copy files to and from an S3 bucket.
  5. aws lambda list-functions: This command is used to list all Lambda functions in your account.
  6. aws iam create-user: This command is used to create a new IAM user.
  7. aws rds describe-db-instances: This command is used to retrieve information about your RDS instances.
  8. aws cloudformation create-stack: This command is used to create a new CloudFormation stack.
  9. aws cloudwatch get-metric-statistics: This command is used to retrieve metric statistics from CloudWatch.
  10. aws route53 list-hosted-zones: This command is used to list all the hosted zones in your Route53 account.

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