Docker Container Export and Import

Exporting Container:

# Step 1: Stop the container
sudo docker stop nameofContainer

# Step 2: View all containers (optional)
sudo docker ps -a

# Step 3: Create a backup of the container
sudo docker commit PutContainerIDHere MyContainerName_Backup

# Step 4: View available images (optional)
sudo docker images

# Step 5: Save the backup to a TAR file
sudo docker save MyContainerName_Backup > MyContainerName_Backup.tar


Importing Containers to a New Environment:

# Step 1: Load the container from the TAR file
docker load -i MyContainerName_Backup.tar

# Step 2: Run the container in the new environment
docker run -d --name nameofContainer \
  -p Put_Port_Here:Put_Port_Here/tcp \
  -p Put_Port_Here:Put_Port_Here/udp \
  -p InternalPort:OutsidePort \
  --dns= \
  --dns= \
  --restart=unless-stopped MyContainerName_Backup

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