Nutanix CVM commands with examples using a VM named VMTEST
acli vm.list – List all VMs in the cluster
Example: acli vm.list
acli vm.get VMTEST – Show detailed information about a specific VM
Example: acli vm.get VMTEST
acli vm.create VMTEST – Create a new VM
Example: acli vm.create VMTEST
acli vm.delete VMTEST – Delete a specific VM
Example: acli vm.delete VMTEST
acli vm.on VMTEST – Power on a specific VM
Example: acli vm.on VMTEST
acli VMTEST – Power off a specific VM
Example: acli VMTEST
acli vm.shutdown VMTEST – Gracefully shut down a specific VM
Example: acli vm.shutdown VMTEST
acli vm.reboot VMTEST – Reboot a specific VM
Example: acli vm.reboot VMTEST
acli vm.update VMTEST – Update the configuration of a specific VM
Example: acli vm.update VMTEST memory=4G
acli vm.clone VMTEST VMTEST_CLONE – Clone a VM
Example: acli vm.clone VMTEST VMTEST_CLONE
acli vm.disk_list VMTEST – List disks attached to a specific VM
Example: acli vm.disk_list VMTEST
acli vm.disk_create VMTEST – Attach a new disk to a specific VM
Example: acli vm.disk_create VMTEST size=20G
acli vm.disk_delete VMTEST – Remove a disk from a specific VM
Example: acli vm.disk_delete VMTEST d7e1b4b5-e52d-45f2-a26b-d52d9c3b21e6
acli vm.nic_list VMTEST – List network interfaces attached to a specific VM
Example: acli vm.nic_list VMTEST
acli vm.nic_create VMTEST – Attach a new network interface to a specific VM
Example: acli vm.nic_create VMTEST network=default
acli vm.nic_delete VMTEST – Remove a network interface from a specific VM
Example: acli vm.nic_delete VMTEST 123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000
acli vm.nic_update VMTEST mac= – Change the MAC address of a NIC
Example: acli vm.nic_update VMTEST 123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000 mac=00:11:22:33:44:55
acli vm.disk_stats VMTEST – Show disk statistics for a specific VM
Example: acli vm.disk_stats VMTEST d7e1b4b5-e52d-45f2-a26b-d52d9c3b21e6
acli storage_list – List all storage containers in the cluster
Example: acli storage_list
acli storage_info – Show detailed information about a specific storage container
Example: acli storage_info default-container
acli storage_stats – Show storage usage statistics
Example: acli storage_stats
acli host.nic_stats – Show network interface statistics for the hosts
Example: acli host.nic_stats
acli host.list – List all hosts in the cluster
Example: acli host.list
acli – Show detailed information about a specific host
Example: acli 123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000
acli host.stats – Show overall cluster statistics including CPU, memory, and storage usage
Example: acli host.stats
acli cluster.stats – Show statistics for the entire cluster
Example: acli cluster.stats
acli cluster.network_info – Show information about the cluster network configuration
Example: acli cluster.network_info